
Tina Cimino Dick, CR/RYT

Tina is the Founder of the Amity Wellness Center. She is a Certified Reflexologist through Dr. Pat Lawson of the International Institute of Reflexology, and a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Instructor, through Joanne VandenHengel, Pittsburgh, Pa. Tina also completed the Mindful Resilience for Trauma Recovery training with Dr. Dan Libby, of the Veteran Yoga Project. In addition, she is a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader through Dr. Kataria's Laughter Yoga International. Prior to this, Tina was a Wildtree Herbs consultant, where she worked with families teaching the benefits of healthy herbs, foods and nutrition.
Tina offers a Reflexology treatment to stimulate self-healing and relaxation. Each session offers a chance to open the energy zones in the body and soothe the nervous system to re-establish homeostasis in the body, mind and spirit.   
This is Holistic Health; Harmony from Sole to Soul.

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